Sunday, May 11, 2008


Lately i have been writing a lot of lyrics (i need to work on my music writing too but this is a start), and i have felt very inspired by this book by Mary Oliver entitled Red Bird. Image Hosted by ImageShack.usIt is so articulate and i really love her writing. Her poetry is mostly inspired by nature and her surroundings. I am assuming that she lives in a magnificently beautiful place. This creative writing really inspires me to write more about different subjects besides my typical subject matter (love, lust, war, women, interractions) for Vox Jaguars songs. Poetry has always been a huge influence on my lyrical writing for my bands. Especially beat writers like Jack kerouac and epsecially Allen Ginsberg. We have a song based off an Allen Ginsberg poem entitled "Wild Orphan" which happens to be the title of our song as well. It can be found in his famous collection of poems in the book "Howl" which you should all pick up right away. I just reccently finished my last brown moleskine notebook and it has gone into the addidas shoebox under my bed. Whenever i open a new journal i feel motivated to write words, draw pictures, press flowers inside, ticket stubs, write about fun nights, paste in things i find on the ground, and even quotes i read. This new moleskine already has a lot of new pages filled. Here are a couple phrases from several different songs.

"Came home with battle-wounds. My friends and I were howlin' at the moon. Renegades from the eastside, they got in their chevy's and chased us with their bowie knifes."
(page 1)

"Baby your a vagabond, and i wrote you a song. Then i sold you my pity."
(page 4)

"Skelletons dancing on the moon, you drew as you layed in your bedroom.
On the floor in a lethargic way.
Too bad it was such a lonesome day.

It's been months since i've touched those lips.
Love was found on (a drinker's) first sip.
You asked me "how was your day?"
I sleepily repeated what i always say.

Hurry up now young knife.
You're as sharp as an ocean full of strife.
Drink up young rebel.
You're as quick as a ocean swell.

One more month and i'll see that face.
Daydreaming for hours on my mental aeroplane
Take the clash away from the past and
throw it into the crashing wave.

Life or death i could lose it all.
But i took the risk with these long distance phone calls.
The bills skyrocketed through the roof.
I cared too much, i cared for all that is cruel.

(Page 8-9)

Just a taste of what i write in my notebooks. I think you get the picture. It always feels so good to finish one of the moleskines. Sometimes it feels like a race for me, but i want to finish them all. All thanks to my good pal Bonnie was inspired me to full up books with my thoughts. It has been a helpful tool in The Vox Jaguars/The libra's song writing process. You sometimes piece together words from some songs and put them in others. At times you jumble words around, cross things out, and in the end you might come up with a really brilliant song if you are lucky.
Our latest show we had to cancel at the crepe place, but be sure to check us out at the UCSC soundbox on May 26th with James Rabbit.

p.s. I have been really digging the song "What Needs Must Be" by Dead Meadow


the big blanket said...

what is brown and sticky?
love ya bro

Nancy Topf said...

great to see you're checking out Mary Oliver. Your lyrics are inspiring......don't stop writing!